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Melody Murray's Books

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Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Lawson, Lis Parsons
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
Judy Norsigian, Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Vivian Pinn

The Summer Tree (The Fionavar Tapestry, Book 1)

The Summer Tree - Guy Gavriel Kay I enjoyed Tigana so much, it made sense for me to dip into Kay's back catalog. I may have gone too far back. This book was really, really busy what with the 12 intersecting plot lines, the 27 classes of people, the 14 gods (numbers approximate, but overwhelming) and the odd shape-changer. The language is high-flown and portentous all out of proportion with the fairly stale plots. I understand that in the second book, Arthur and Lance are brought into the world, and one of the existing characters morphs into Gwen, as if things weren't tangled up enough already.I stuck it through till the end because the seeds of the writer Kay grew into are interesting to watch germinate, but I won't be reading the other two books of this trilogy. I was interested enough to look up the plot summary on Wikipedia, but I was not interested in giving any more of my life to this group of gods, mages and men.The best part, for me, was the Ivor/Tabor/Levon/Dave storyline. It was strong and clean and fresh but hearkened back to several ancient civilizations. I wish the whole book had been like that.