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Melody Murray's Books

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Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Lawson, Lis Parsons
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
Judy Norsigian, Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Vivian Pinn

Popular Series Fiction for Middle School and Teen Readers: A Reading and Selection Guide (Children's and Young Adult Literature Reference)

Popular Series Fiction For Middle School And Teen Readers: A Reading And Selection Guide - Rebecca L. Thomas, Catherine Barr I liked this SO much better than the second in the series. Christina is herself again, although widowed and inexplicably sick to her stomach. Flambards is a ruin, and Mark is missing, presumed dead in the war. And there are horses at Flambards again, and I think Peyton is at her best when writing about them. I'm not a real romance fan, but once I'm hooked, I have to find out what happens next. So on to the last book I go...