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Melody Murray's Books

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Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Lawson, Lis Parsons
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
Judy Norsigian, Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Vivian Pinn

After the Moment

After the Moment - Garret Freymann-Weyr Freymann-Weyr does not disappoint with this complex and multi-layered story of first love and its repercussions. Her characters, as always, are multi-dimensional, utterly believable and broken in ways nearly anyone can identify with. Her matter-of-fact treatment of several issues (anorexia, Asperger's and grief to name a few) normalizes them and humanizes the people living with them. That, and it's a ripping good story. Highly recommended, as are all of her books.