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Melody Murray's Books

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Nigella Christmas: Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Lawson, Lis Parsons
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
Judy Norsigian, Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Vivian Pinn

Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Fariña, and Richard Fariña

Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Fariña, and Richard Fariña - David Hajdu Interesting story about the beginnings of the folk music era, and how these four goofy kids changed music history. The more I read about Dylan, the more I resolve to just listen to his music instead. Engaging story, well written and insightful.